
Angetha Agro is a Delhi Technological University incubated start-up that focuses on using Industrial Cannabis (Hemp) to make products that help individuals and businesses follow a way of life that isn’t a burden on the planet.

Cannabis is a farmer-friendly crop that takes lesser time, space & water to grow and requires minimal to no use of pesticides. In the year 1938 Industrial Cannabis was called “The Billion dollar crop” by the ‘Popular Mechanics’ magazine. Different parts of the plant can be used to make over 25,000 products including, but not limited to, clothing, textiles, building material (wood, bricks, etc.), paper, bioplastics, biofuel, healthcare & nutrition. As a crop, it absorbs more CO2 per acre than any other plant, effectively making finished products made from Industrial Cannabis carbon neutral in nature. Take a look around, almost everything that you see can be made using Industrial Cannabis, We at Angetha Agro are working towards making that a reality.

We as humans need to acknowledge the fact that our consumption patterns and habits have a very profound effect on the planet and its well-being. Keeping in mind the damage already caused to the environment by us, we need to choose nature-made remedies over man-made industries.

Our goal is to provide people with a wide range of Cannabis-derived products that serve as a better alternative to the existing ones and allow people to consciously choose nature-made remedies over man-made industries.